How to choose a good water buoy and how to use it


Water buoy, also known as heel bug and heel ball, has bright colors and realistic patterns. It is comfortable and safe in use without wearing feeling. It does not affect the action and speed of swimming enthusiasts. It is a necessary thing for people who like swimming. When a swimmer suffers from physical weakness, leg cramps, choking water, etc. during swimming, he can rest with the help of the buoyancy of the follower. After his physical strength gradually recovers, he can return safely.

When choosing to swim and float with water buoy, we should first see how much buoyancy it has when used. Generally speaking, 13 kg buoyancy is enough to earn two people's mouth and nose to the surface of the water. The bigger the better. Because the greater the buoyancy and the larger the volume, it will be more troublesome to travel with a discount. If it is a long-distance rafting, there are many ships and so on, so it is more appropriate to choose a large size.
How to use water buoy
1. Before use, put in the items that need to be put in, such as clothes and mobile phones (preferably used with mobile phone waterproof bags), and then seal and blow, but do not fill too full, so as to avoid rupture caused by followers.
2. Put it into water to check whether there is air leakage. If so, do not use it.
3. Tie the heel belt around your waist.
4. After entering the water, be careful not to be damaged by sharp objects, and be careful not to entangle the rope with the body to cause panic. Once it needs to be used in water, hold it firmly, don't panic, and quickly swim to shallow water to prevent drowning.
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